Drift reduction
AP Dubex Wave
With the by AP Dubex developed WAVE system a drift reduction of 99%* can be achieved. The application of transparent screens enables you to observe the nozzles and achieves maximal drift reduction.
It has been proven that an improved deposition is accomplished with a small droplet. The big disadvantage of a smaller droplet in the traditional spraying technology however, is that they can be blown away. WAVE settles that problem.
Air assist with a downward draught. The AP Dubex machine with air assist offers a drift reduction of 95%* by using a 90% low-drift nozzle combined with a 50 cm nozzle spacing. Combined with a lowered spray boom and a 50% low-drift nozzle with a spray angle of max. 90° and a 25 cm nozzle spacing a drift reduction of no less than 97,5 can be achieved.
AP Dubex TURBULANCE Air assist is supplied with an independent hydraulic system that controls the drive of the fan.
This centrally mounted fan supplies the air to the left and right air bag. Air leaves the air bag through openings in the bottom entraining the spray doplets. Because of this, better penetration is achieved along with optimum coverage. Due to this, the use of water and possibly crop protection products can be reduced which results in a tremendous increase in capacity, enabling you better spray timing.
Lowered spray boom
with 25 cm nozzle spacing
DRN class 90% can also be obtained with the drift reducing technique “lowered spray boom with 25 cm nozzle spacing” on the AP Dubex field sprayer. This requires nozzles complying to at least DRN class 75% with a spray angle of max. 90°.
The maximum height between the nozzles and the crop or surface (if there is no crop present) is 30 cm.
This 25 cm nozzle spacing can also be equipped with the “A-B-selection”. On the terminal you can choose between spraying with the “A nozzle” (normal 50 cm nozzle), the “B nozzle” (installed between the “A nozzle”) or spraying with “A and B simultaneously” (25 cm nozzle spacing).
Obviously you can choose a nozzle holder for the A and B position from a wide product range, for instance a triplet nozzle holder on position A and a single nozzle holder on position B.
* Attention: these percentages apply to the Dutch law and are only indicative for foreign laws.
The WAVE system can also be built on existing machines, consult your dealer for details.